
Publication Topic
Sea‐level rise, storm surges, and extreme precipitation in coastal New Hampshire: Analysis of past and projected future trends
Kirshen, P., Wake, C., Huber, M., Knuuti, K., & Stampone, M.
January 2014
Technical Report
Ecosystems & Society
Albedo and Snow Structure Evolution
Adolph, A., Albert, M., Amante, J., & Dibb, J.
December 2013
Abstract #C13A-0-649 presented at the 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Ecosystems & Society
Distribution and Movement of Chemical Impurities in Snow and the Impacts on Albedo
Amante, J., Dibb, J., Adolph, A., Albert, M., Scheuer, E., & Schulenberg, S.A.
December 2013
Abstract #C11B-03 presented at the 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
Ecosystems & Society
Spectral Reflectance and Albedo of Snow-covered Heterogeneous Landscapes in New Hampshire, USA: Comparison of Ground-based, Airborne Hyerspectral, and MODIS Satellite Data
Burakowski, E.A., Ollinger, S.V., Lepine, L., Hollinger, D., Schaaf, C.B., Wang, Z., Martin, M., & Dibb, J.E.
December 2013
Abstract #C21D-0674 presented at the 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec
Ecosystems & Society
Foliar Nitrogen in Relation to Plant Traits and Reflectance Properties of New Hampshire Forests
Sullivan, F.B., Ollinger, S.V., Martin, M., Ducey, M.J., Lepine, L.C., & Wicklein, H.F.
November 2013
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43(1), 18–27. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2012-0324
Ecosystems & Society
Ecosystem Metabolism and Nutrient Uptake in an Urban, Piped Headwater Stream
Hope, A.J., McDowell, W.H., & Wollheim, W.M.
September 2013
Biogeochemistry, 121(1), 167–187. doi: 10.1007/s10533-013-9900-y
Ecosystems & Society
Addressing the complexities of boundary work in sustainability science through communication
McGreavy, B., Hutchins, K., Smith, H., Lindenfeld, L., & Silka, L.
September 2013
Sustainability, 5(10), 4195-4221. doi: 10.3390/su5104195
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Arctic Warming and Your Weather: Public Belief in the Connection
Hamilton, L.C. & Lemcke-Stampone, M.D.
July 2013
International Journal of Climatolology, 34(5), 1723–1728. doi: 10.1002/joc.3796
Ecosystems & Society
Rural Environmental Concern: Effects of Position, Partisanship and Place
Hamilton, L.C., Hartter, J., Safford, T.G., & Stevens, F.R.
September 2013
Rural Sociology, 79(2), 257–281. doi: 10.1111/ruso.12023
Ecosystems & Society
Gas diffusivity and permeability through the firn column at Summit, Greenland: measurements and comparison to microstructural properties
Adolph, A.C. & Albert, M.R.
June 2013
The Cryosphere, 8, 319-328. doi: 10.5194/tc-8-319-2014
Ecosystems & Society