
Publication Topic
The Resilience of Race: A Cultural Sustainability Manifesto
Senier, S., Lioi, A., Ryan, M.K., Vasudevan, P., Nieves, A., Ranco, D., & Marshall, C.
June 2014
Resilience: A Journal of Environmental Humanities, 1(2), 1-6. doi: 10.5250/resilience.1.2.009
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Changing Forest Water Yields in Response to Climate Warming: Results From Long-term Experimental Watershed Sites Across North America
Creed, I.F., Spargo, A.T., Jones, J.A., Nuttle, J.M., Adams, M.B., Beall, F.D., ... & Yao, H.
June 2014
Global Change Biology, 20(10), 3191–3208. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12615
Ecosystems & Society
Climate variability masks the impacts of land use change on nutrient export in a suburbanizing watershed
Morse, N.B. & Wollheim, W.M.
June 2014
Biogeochemistry, 121(1), 45–59. doi: 10.1007/s10533-014-9998-6
Ecosystems & Society
Climate change and forest fires synertistically drive widespread melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Keegan, K.M., Albert, M.R., McConnell, J.R., & Baker, I.
May 2014
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(22), 7964–7967. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1405397111
Ecosystems & Society
Improving automated phosphorus measurements in freshwater: an analytical approach to eliminating silica interference
Koenig, L.E., Baumann, A.J., & McDowell, W.H.
April 2014
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 12(4), 223-231. doi: 10.4319/lom.2014.12.223
Ecosystems & Society
Valuing Albedo as an Ecosystem Service: Implications for Forest Management
Lutz, D.A. & Howarth, R.B.
April 2014
Climatic Change, 124(1-2), 53–63. doi: 10.1007/s10584-014-1109-0
Ecosystems & Society
Organic-rich sedimentation in the South Pacific Ocean associated with Late Paleocene climatic cooling
Hollis, C.J., Tayler, M.J.S., Andrew, B., Taylor, K.W., Lurcock, P., Bijl, P.K., ... & Phillips, A.
March 2014
Earth-Science Reviews, 134, 81–97. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.03.006
Ecosystems & Society
The challenge of simulating the warmth of the mid-Miocene climatic optimum in CESM1
Goldner, A., Herold, N., & Huber, M.
March 2014
Climate of the Past, 10(2), 523–536. doi: 10.5194/cp-10-523-2014
Ecosystems & Society
River ice responses to a warming Arctic—recent evidence from Russian rivers
Shiklomanov, A.I. & Lammers, R.B.
March 2014
Environmental Research Letters, 9(3), 035008. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/3/035008
Ecosystems & Society
Macrosystems ecology: understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales
Heffernan, J.B., Soranno, P.A., Angilletta, M.J., Buckley, L.B., Gruner, D.S., Keitt, T.H., ... & Weathers, K.C.
February 2014
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(1), 5–14. doi: 10.1890/130017
Ecosystems & Society