
Publication Topic
Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics
Levesque, V.R., Bell, K.P., & Calhoun, A.J.K.
July 2016
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X1665560. doi:10.1177/0739456x16655601
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: Developing core capacities to engage with complex problems
McGreavy, B., Druschke, C.G., Sprain, L., Thompson, J.L., & Lindenfeld, L.A.
June 2016
Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15(3), 261–274. doi:10.1080/1533015x.2016.1181018
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Citizen science and natural resource governance: program design for vernal pool policy innovation
McGreavy, B., Calhoun, A.J.K., Jansujwicz, J., & Levesque, V.
June 2016
Ecology and Society, 21(2). doi: 10.5751/es-08437-210248
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
The Skunkwork of Ecological Engagement
Ackerman, J.A., Druschke, C.G., McGreavy, B., & Sprain, L.
January 2015
Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning, 16(1), 75-95
The Future of Dams
DOC: NO 3 − ratios and NO 3 − uptake in forested headwater streams
Rodríguez-Cardona, B., Wymore, A.S., & McDowell, W.H.
January 2015
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121(1), 205–217. doi: 10.1002/2015jg003146
Ecosystems & Society
Building scenarios for ecosystem services tools: Developing a methodology for efficient engagement with expert stakeholders
Berg, C., Rogers, S., & Mineau, M.
December 2015
Futures, 81, 68-80. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2015.10.014
Ecosystems & Society
Reducing bias and quantifying uncertainty in watershed flux estimates: the R package loadflex
Appling, A.P., Leon, M.C., & McDowell, W.H.
December 2015
Ecosphere, 6(12), art269. doi: 10.1890/es14-00517.1
Ecosystems & Society
Linking water age and solute dynamics in streamflow at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA
Benettin, P., Bailey, S.W., Campbell, J.L., Green, M.B., Rinaldo, A., Likens, G.E., McGuire, K.J., & Botter, G.
November 2015
Water Resources Research, 51(11), 9256–9272. doi: 10.1002/2015wr017552
Ecosystems & Society
Stable water isotopes suggest sub-canopy water recycling in a northern forested catchment
Green, M.B., Laursen, B.K., Campbell, J.L., McGuire, K.J., & Kelsey, E.P.
November 2015
Hydrological Processes, 29(25), 5193–5202. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10706
Ecosystems & Society
Public Opinion on Climate Change
Shwom, R.L., McCright, A.M., Brechin, S.R., Dunlap, R.E., Marquart-Pyatt, S.T., & Hamilton, L.C.
October 2015
Climate Change and Society, 269–299. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199356102.003.0009
Ecosystems & Society