Resource | Category |
Nikon Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope The Nikon A1R HD laser scanning confocal microscope provides the ability to reconstruct from 2D slices, relatively thick, fluorescently-labeled sample...
Asset: Flourescence, Laser |
Microscope |
Scanning Electron Microscope - FIB SEM The Tescan Lyra 3GMU FIB Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a dual beam field emission microscope.<br />
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In addition to standard SEM imagi...
Microscope |
Olympus OLS5000 SAF Reflective Confocal Microscope The Olympus OLS5000-SAF laser scanning confocal microscope uses reflective confocal imaging technique to create 3D reconstructions of specimen. Common...
Asset: Olympus |
Microscope |
Atomic Force Microscope AIST AFM
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Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL JEM-1010 Transmission Electron Microscope
100 KV LaB6 electron emitter. CCD camera. Asset: TEM |
Microscope |
Tescan Vega 3 Scanning Electron Microscope Simple and easy to use SEM equipped with an XEDS
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Raman Microscope Horiba LabRam HR Evolution
Four lasers (532, 633, 785 and 1064 nm). Cryo stage. |
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Scanning Electron Microscope - FIB SEM FEI Scios 2 - Dual Beam 2 with Focused Ion Beam<br />
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SEM: Field emission electron emitter, low vacuum capability. FIB: Tungsten and Platinu...
Microscope |
Stereomicroscope The Olympus SZX9 Stereomicroscope is especially useful for inspecting/imaging 3D macroscopic objects.
Asset: Olympus |
Microscope |
Upright Fluorescence/Brightfield Microscope The Zeiss Axioplan 2 Imaging upright fluorescence/brightfield microscope has six objective lenses: 2.5X/0.075, 10X/0.30, 20X/0.50, 40X/1.30, 63X/1.25,...
Microscope |