Safe Beaches & Shellfish

Publication Topic
Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics
Levesque, V.R., Bell, K.P., & Calhoun, A.J.K.
July 2016
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X1665560. doi:10.1177/0739456x16655601
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: Developing core capacities to engage with complex problems
McGreavy, B., Druschke, C.G., Sprain, L., Thompson, J.L., & Lindenfeld, L.A.
June 2016
Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15(3), 261–274. doi:10.1080/1533015x.2016.1181018
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Citizen science and natural resource governance: program design for vernal pool policy innovation
McGreavy, B., Calhoun, A.J.K., Jansujwicz, J., & Levesque, V.
June 2016
Ecology and Society, 21(2). doi: 10.5751/es-08437-210248
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Genetic characterization of clinical and environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the Northeast USA reveals emerging resident and non-indigenous pathogen lineages
Xu, F., Ilyas, S., Hall, J.A., Jones, S.H., Cooper, V.S., & Whistler, C.A.
April 2015
Frontiers in Microbiology, 6. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00272
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Water Quality and Statistics-Based Precautionary Advisory Tool for York, Maine Beaches
Jones, S.H., Urquhart, E.A., & Guimond, J.
April 2015
Final Report
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Sampling in the snow: Winter field experiences provide relevant, real world connections between scientific practice and disciplinary core ideas
Hanson, E. & Burakowski, E.A.
March 2015
The Science Teacher, 082(03). doi: 10.2505/4/tst15_082_03_36
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Upland Sediment Supply and its Relation to Watershed Sediment Delivery in the Contemporary Mid-Atlantic Piedmont (U.S.A.)
Smith, S.M.C. & Wilcock, P.R.
March 2015
Geomorphology, 232, 33–46. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.12.036
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Urbanization changes the composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in headwater streams
Parr, T.B., Cronan, C.S., Ohno, T., Findlay, S.E.G., Smith, S.M.C. and Simon, K.S.
February 2015
Limnology and Oceanography, 60(3), 885–900. doi: 10.1002/lno.10060
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Strengthening the role of universities in addressing sustainability challenges: the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions as an institutional experiment
Hart, D.D., Bell, K.P., Lindenfeld, L.A., Jain, S., Johnson, T.R., Ranco, D., & McGill, B.
January 2015
Ecology and Society, 20(2). doi: 10.5751/es-07283-200204
Safe Beaches & Shellfish
Long-term Trends of Pathogenic Vibrio Spp. Populations in New England, U.S
Jones, S., Urquhart, E., Hall, J., Xu, F., Hartwick, M., Taylor, M., Cooper, V., & Whistler, C.
January 2015
Abstract in: 10th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety (ICMSS) 2015: Defining shellfish safety through communication, 14,…
Safe Beaches & Shellfish