wenxing liu headshot

HANOVER, NH - Dartmouth College has been awarded a NH BioMade Industry-University Collaboration Seed Fund for a research project in partnership with Qrons, Inc. Entitled “3D-Printable Polyrotaxane-based Tissue Engineering with Controlled Degradability,” the project will combine synthetic biomaterials with 3D bioprinting technique for tissue regeneration. The development of bio-compatible materials as tissue engineering implants is important for the advancement of regenerative medicine. This work will develop and test bio-inks for traumatic brain injury treatment. To accommodate long term neuronal tissue recovery after a brain injury, the 3D-printed implant needs to be degraded over time in a controlled manner.

The project is led by post-doctoral fellow Wenxing Liu in the Dartmouth Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with Ida Merfeld, co-founder, Qrons, Inc., a New York-based biotechnology company specializing in development of solutions for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

The New Hampshire Center for Multiscale Modeling and Manufacturing of Biomaterials (NH BioMade) advances the design and manufacture of biomaterials. The NH BioMade Research Seed Funding Opportunity provides support for faculty and post-doctoral associates at New Hampshire universities and colleges to pursue research questions related to the NH BioMade focus areas. Led by the University of New Hampshire, NH BioMade is supported by a National Science Foundation EPSCoR award (#1757371).

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